21032: Yobestboi - Monday, December 9 2019 - 1:59 AM
Handland is just a gamblers hangout/casino? That was underwhelming...
21033: Agent Cook - Monday, December 9 2019 - 2:06 AM
Goldman and the Goldmans, the goldmaniest rockabilly band in Eddstadt
21034: Greatsword - Monday, December 9 2019 - 2:22 AM
Jeez, he REALLY doesn't look like his Official Heroland Portrait(tm)
21035: Some guy - Monday, December 9 2019 - 3:35 AM
Ah, yes. A true "Hero".
21036: Bisected - Monday, December 9 2019 - 3:41 AM
Snake hair vs. Gold hair
21037: Jack - Monday, December 9 2019 - 3:51 AM
So Handland is some sort of poker place for pompadour aficionados?
21038: giovanni - Monday, December 9 2019 - 5:50 AM
man the hairs!
21039: UnknownID - Monday, December 9 2019 - 11:42 AM
Nice haircuts, guys!
21040: Garrulous - Monday, December 9 2019 - 12:23 PM
@Jack - Or it could be a general poker place that was overrun by those pompous pompadours!
21041: Bogg - Monday, December 9 2019 - 1:15 PM
The middle guy...that grin.
I'd not trust anyone who is apparently loosing a game of poker and maintain that sort of grin.
21042: Tssha - Monday, December 9 2019 - 3:38 PM
@Bogg That's a good point, they might be buttering him up because they want something from him.
21043: Zed - Monday, December 9 2019 - 8:09 PM
Middle guy's design gives me heavy "Lisa" vibes, alongside the recent outside art of Handland. I dig it.
21044: SilentWrangler - Monday, December 9 2019 - 8:45 PM
"I don't pick battles when my victory isn't certain"
If that's his official gig, his marketing agents are morons. Who the hell is going to hire a guy who is *being marketed* as the one who's gonna chicken out if there's too much trouble? Well, besides tyrannical governments who need a hand in suppressing riots of unarmed peasants.
21045: Darius Drake - Tuesday, December 10 2019 - 3:35 AM
Ohh... Hand as in Hand of Cards. Got ya. It's a gambling den, probably owned and run by Goldman, and only frequented by those who work with Goldman, possibly as a way for him to launder money.
Should we know who this guy is?
More like "Hairland", am i rite?
Handland is just a gamblers hangout/casino? That was underwhelming...
Goldman and the Goldmans, the goldmaniest rockabilly band in Eddstadt
Jeez, he REALLY doesn't look like his Official Heroland Portrait(tm)
Ah, yes. A true "Hero".
Snake hair vs. Gold hair
So Handland is some sort of poker place for pompadour aficionados?
man the hairs!
Nice haircuts, guys!
@Jack - Or it could be a general poker place that was overrun by those pompous pompadours!
The middle guy...that grin.
I'd not trust anyone who is apparently loosing a game of poker and maintain that sort of grin.
@Bogg That's a good point, they might be buttering him up because they want something from him.
Middle guy's design gives me heavy "Lisa" vibes, alongside the recent outside art of Handland. I dig it.
"I don't pick battles when my victory isn't certain"
If that's his official gig, his marketing agents are morons. Who the hell is going to hire a guy who is *being marketed* as the one who's gonna chicken out if there's too much trouble? Well, besides tyrannical governments who need a hand in suppressing riots of unarmed peasants.
Ohh... Hand as in Hand of Cards. Got ya. It's a gambling den, probably owned and run by Goldman, and only frequented by those who work with Goldman, possibly as a way for him to launder money.