Do Burk's lines sound suspect to anyone else or is my mind just in the gutter?
27233: Bailoroc - Monday, August 23 2021 - 12:39 AM
I would so watch a buddy cop/superhero movie starring these two.
27234: Straightbackward - Monday, August 23 2021 - 1:36 AM
I don't have muscle, so can't know how it feels.
Poor Burk, he only wants muscles to rub against :'(
27235: Deliverance - Monday, August 23 2021 - 1:55 AM
Where did he get all that heavy chain with which to tie up the bandits is what I want to know.
27236: Mousio - Monday, August 23 2021 - 5:06 AM
Oh that's easy. It just feels like continental dtift, know what I mean?
And poor Burk, hoping for some muscle action but is soon to be disappointed ;)
27237: Brilliand - Monday, August 23 2021 - 5:41 AM
I can easily rub my arm muscles against my leg muscles. It feels kinda nice, though nothing that will keep my attention for long.
27239: Sibilla - Monday, August 23 2021 - 6:52 AM
Burk that's a little uh... you know what nevermind
27240: flame - Monday, August 23 2021 - 8:50 AM
speaking of muscles, i'm not sure what the W is for on the guys pec, but it traded sides.
27241: Tom - Monday, August 23 2021 - 11:08 AM
This all but confirms Burk's real passions.
27242: someone - Monday, August 23 2021 - 1:05 PM
We knew Burk was really into muscles, but it sounds like a full-fledged sthenolagnia now.
27243: UnknownID - Monday, August 23 2021 - 1:08 PM
Love, how excited Burk is, hope, he won't be disappointed, but I guess, he will. :D
27244: Anonymous Person - Monday, August 23 2021 - 5:04 PM
@someone So that's what a musclesexual is called. And yeah, Burk is definitely it
27245: Paintr - Monday, August 23 2021 - 6:35 PM
It seems like the bandits fighting style involves using blasting chains, as a regimented sort of technique as several now have used such offence. It stands to reason then they have spare chain around their lair for combat purposes that also serves nicely to tie them up.
27278: Orange - Saturday, August 28 2021 - 11:48 AM
Do Burk's lines sound suspect to anyone else or is my mind just in the gutter?
I would so watch a buddy cop/superhero movie starring these two.
I don't have muscle, so can't know how it feels.
Poor Burk, he only wants muscles to rub against :'(
Where did he get all that heavy chain with which to tie up the bandits is what I want to know.
Oh that's easy. It just feels like continental dtift, know what I mean?
And poor Burk, hoping for some muscle action but is soon to be disappointed ;)
I can easily rub my arm muscles against my leg muscles. It feels kinda nice, though nothing that will keep my attention for long.
Burk that's a little uh... you know what nevermind
speaking of muscles, i'm not sure what the W is for on the guys pec, but it traded sides.
This all but confirms Burk's real passions.
We knew Burk was really into muscles, but it sounds like a full-fledged sthenolagnia now.
Love, how excited Burk is, hope, he won't be disappointed, but I guess, he will. :D
@someone So that's what a musclesexual is called. And yeah, Burk is definitely it
It seems like the bandits fighting style involves using blasting chains, as a regimented sort of technique as several now have used such offence. It stands to reason then they have spare chain around their lair for combat purposes that also serves nicely to tie them up.
I ship Burk and muscles