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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Friday, May 8 2009 - 7:07 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

To leap or to jump, that is the question.

An important question at that.


don't forget to vote if you love me.

392: APunkPrincess - Friday, May 8 2009 - 7:19 AM

Is the style change permanent?
I like it, but i liked the other one too, not sure which one i like more.

And Finally! 3 does something...

393: BruceJuice - Friday, May 8 2009 - 7:23 AM

....no more pixel art?

394: Zanaril - Friday, May 8 2009 - 7:27 AM

Please tell me you're not seriously switching to these character designs.
The pixel sprites read much more easily; these just look kind of blobby and indistinct.

395: Savaril - Friday, May 8 2009 - 7:35 AM

...you're style changing again? why?

396: Keris - Friday, May 8 2009 - 7:40 AM


And for me, a leap implies more horizontal movement than a jump does. So Ɛ may have some additional momentum here, or maybe the unsound effects are just there to show they jumped/leapt in different ways.

397: KD - Friday, May 8 2009 - 8:09 AM

As nice as the new style is, I think it clashes too much. The pixel characters before connected the pixel objects to the rest of the visual, without them, the pixel objects and furniture look really odd.

398: Tuna Unleashed - Friday, May 8 2009 - 8:23 AM

WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! This new style is way less pretty and doesn't fit in with the dark storyline at all.

399: Anybody - Friday, May 8 2009 - 8:37 AM

Another art shift? Make up your mind!

400: ... - Friday, May 8 2009 - 9:29 AM

And there went one of the best pixel-based comics.

401: Chameon - Friday, May 8 2009 - 9:43 AM

I prefered the previous style quite frankly. This style feels too cutesy for me to take seriously.

402: Goryscarletsocialist - Friday, May 8 2009 - 9:50 AM

Forget Leaping or Jumping, the big debate is whether to slash or strike.

Also, go back to the old style please, this one just looks silly.

403: Rorudo - Friday, May 8 2009 - 10:17 AM

This style's okay, but I wouldn't like it in the long term at least not for this comic.

404: Catiris - Friday, May 8 2009 - 10:52 AM


I don't know what to say! I'm curious to see how the other characters look this way before I make up my mind.
It's a tad... squatty ;x; BUT at the same time, it is smooth & original.

(I'm confused because the bg still contains pixel elements. permanent or no?)

405: Klathrac - Friday, May 8 2009 - 11:05 AM

I'm cool with the style as long as your promise to one day go back and update all the archives ;)

406: Klathrac - Friday, May 8 2009 - 11:07 AM

Sorry for the double post, but I kinda do like the new style. It'll be nice to actually be able to see what character's faces look like again (personally, I was a fan of the first style; with the faces)

410: Tom - Friday, May 8 2009 - 1:13 PM

Dear Neoriceisgood,

please go back to the previous style, it was awesome. The current one isn't bad, mind you, but I prefer the previous one.

Thank you,

your fan.

411: KingKobold - Friday, May 8 2009 - 1:58 PM

What happened to their heads? They suddenly have giant craniums!

413: Lestat - Friday, May 8 2009 - 4:02 PM

My biggest problem with introducing the speech bubbles was that we lost the cool faces on the bottom that were much more expressive than the sprites could possibly be, so in that respect the new style is great because it gets around that problem. But to be honest I liked the original version a lot better. The chibi look doesn't fit as good, and I don't even want to imagine Burke and Noah with big heads. They will probably loose a lot in the badass/slick department.

414: Lestat - Friday, May 8 2009 - 4:14 PM

...Not to mention that while 3's head looks pretty awesome now, he was a lot cooler overall when he was tall and slim with long legs. As long as you are experimenting with styles, maybe you could try a compromise? Higher resolution and nicer art, but keep the proportions as they were. But if that is too much work then personally I would preffer the original look, which is not to say this one is bad looking. It just doesn't have that certain "it" that fits so well with the overal experience of the story.

415: Dis - Friday, May 8 2009 - 4:29 PM

I'll have to echo most of the comments on here. Please revert to your previous style. This style doesn't suit your comic that well.

417: MrLollige - Friday, May 8 2009 - 4:50 PM

If you want to keep it on this, you still have a lot to learn qua design of 'm. But if you learn that, it will work as well at the end. Not so unique any more, but it will work. Up to you :)

418: Lana - Friday, May 8 2009 - 8:28 PM

D'awww! They're so squishy and cute! I want to hug them! :B

I'm not going to say much about this new style, except that you should do what you want to. You can't please everyone, so just please yourself.
I think a lot of artists get into the trap of being pushed around by well-meaning, but ultimately inspration-destroying, fans. Not saying that that'll happen to you, just pointing out that it could.
Do what you have to to keep going!!

I love this comic for many reasons. Art, storyline, and characters. I think I do prefer it in pixel a little more, but that's not going to stop me from reading and voting everyday. ;)
Rock on, Neo.

421: Dragoniangirl - Friday, May 8 2009 - 10:13 PM



3 uses STRIKE!

It's super effective!

(sorry. ^^; I couldn't resist)

422: Qyzex - Friday, May 8 2009 - 11:11 PM

You can go cuter.

423: Zeratanus - Friday, May 8 2009 - 11:37 PM


I will say that the zombapple does look freaking wicked in this style though.

437: Ails - Saturday, May 9 2009 - 7:41 AM

Oh no bring the pixel art back! Without the speech ballons if possible :3

468: Andy - Sunday, May 10 2009 - 8:32 AM

I must say, I really can't stand the new style. Their fat cuteness doesn't fit at all with the mood, and I feel it would be a destructive mistake to switch to this style.

1880: Remi.P - Tuesday, November 2 2010 - 7:33 AM

Were fans and were afraid of CHAAAAAANGE waaaawaaawaaaaaa we tell you how to do stuff because were ingrates like that waaawaaaaawaaaaaa, go do the same thing over and over forever forever like Dominic deegan already XP

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