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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Tuesday, June 28 2011 - 7:59 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Every Single Paladin!

Nowadays we call this spell twitter.

So what do you guys think, should I keep updating daily like this? I personally like the format, it's a lot less stressful than anything I've done before.

2781: Szilard - Tuesday, June 28 2011 - 9:25 AM

If you can keep it up, then yeah. Less stress is always a good thing, but these slightly shorter strips are enough to satisfy me at least. :D

2783: Jason - Tuesday, June 28 2011 - 9:47 AM

Yes, keep going; I'd enjoy a small amount everyday more than a larger amount once a week.

2784: Inanimate - Tuesday, June 28 2011 - 9:47 AM

Oh yes, this new update schedule is quite pleasing. If you like it, please, continue!

2785: Josh - Tuesday, June 28 2011 - 9:48 AM

I think it's fine. If it's good for you, it's great for us.
I like this way too.

2786: Daran - Tuesday, June 28 2011 - 9:51 AM

That's even faster than Twitter, I believe. I hope none of those paladins would start to mass spam on this Spell ;)

Anyhow - I like the format. I prefer short updates but more often. And 6 panels is just right for me =)

By the way i missed the updates. Checked back a lot. Great you're still doing your comic. Thx for it.

2787: laxu - Tuesday, June 28 2011 - 10:00 AM

Personally... yes me prefers this too

2788: Josh - Tuesday, June 28 2011 - 10:01 AM

If it's good for you, it's great for us! Keep it up neo. Since it's easier to you, it's better like that.

2789: Someguy - Tuesday, June 28 2011 - 12:29 PM

Wow. Better then magical twitter.
Only... I'm still alittle concerned. There's nothing really there to stop Sunny from dropping the building on them. Even if their shields stop all magic from entering the shield, all he has to do is break the walls up. And make sure that none of it hits him on the way down.
And if the every single paladin is showing up... ouch.

2790: -skimmer- - Tuesday, June 28 2011 - 2:21 PM

Yeah, I like the format and daily updates would be awesome :D

2792: Kyprioth - Tuesday, June 28 2011 - 5:09 PM

I look away, then suddenly, updates... THOUSANDS of them!

2793: Shadow Eagle - Tuesday, June 28 2011 - 5:39 PM


I can still see Sunny dropping the building, it would be even more dangerous now if it'd just been a couple of paladins.

I predict Sunny not having that much trouble getting away.

2794: meta - Tuesday, June 28 2011 - 8:41 PM

as if a spam of zealots had ever done anything rigth

2795: The Goblin Scribe - Tuesday, June 28 2011 - 10:33 PM

You've gotten good at clear comics. I say keep this form as long as you wish, it's excellent to get comics frequentlike! :D

And maybe, Someguy, but I'm not sure he'd do that to a Red Mind building. Then again, he IS Sunny. :D

2796: Bisected - Wednesday, June 29 2011 - 6:17 AM

If you can keep updating daily like this then hell yes! I'd have settled for biweekly with this format.

Paladin Zerg rushes; it's the way forward (most likely for Sunny).

2797: Thrawn - Wednesday, June 29 2011 - 6:40 AM

Do whatever yuou want--it's your hobby ;)

I appreciate the updates though

2798: Ceata88 - Wednesday, June 29 2011 - 7:44 AM

I like it, may be shorter but the more frequent updates make up for it.

Also, I think Sunny can take 'em >:C

2800: Jesse - Wednesday, June 29 2011 - 8:04 PM


2801: Metacurious - Wednesday, June 29 2011 - 9:23 PM

The only trouble with short format comics is that each page needs to stand on its own at least a little bit? And. that makes it kind of choppy.

But it's fine. This is good. Just don't feel the need to wrap up each chunk of dialogue? I don't know. Don't mind me.

2803: Tom - Thursday, June 30 2011 - 10:20 PM

Grand Alarm = Goodbye, Sunny!

Damn. That was good. Loved how the words "EVERY. SINGLE. ONE." were spaced out between the last panels, nice touch.

I'm still worried about all the unsolved mysteries, but oh well, I've hope that Neo will eventually let us know more.

Right, Neo? :P

2804: Incuro - Friday, July 1 2011 - 6:38 PM

Shorter is always better in my oppinion, your short daily strips are better then the 1-2 a week long ones. I took the short thing to the next level by making a comic that is only 1 pannel per page, ofcourse it is failing cause I did NOT think out ANY of the storyline, so in order to not fall victim to plot holes, im at a stand still with what to do next.... should have thought it out....

2805: N'gauragt - Saturday, July 2 2011 - 7:56 AM

Yeah, bro. Keep it as it is and just have fun with it like you ought to. I quite like it myself, though the old style will be missed. At least this new style is less of a hassle to make things in, yes? I should hope so.

Cheers to a regular updating schedule.

2806: Someguy - Saturday, July 2 2011 - 9:59 AM

@Incuro: Yeah, I have too much free time, so I read a lot of webcomics. Quite a few of them go under for that reason, or because of the sheer difficulty of doing it.
I'm inclined to say that as long as the updates are at least pseudo-constant, it's a good thing.

I suspect, though, that Sunny isn't the sort to let any number of paladins make a difference to him, and with his power, he definitely can walk out of this zerg rush no problem.
Silly overconfident paladins.

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