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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Tuesday, May 12 2020 - 3:16 AM
By: Neoriceisgood


For briefs.

21994: SuperJedi224 - Tuesday, May 12 2020 - 4:18 AM

The comment section on the previous page seems to be broken BTW.

21995: Drakian - Tuesday, May 12 2020 - 4:52 AM

*insert briefcase pun here*

21996: A_voice_from_the_shadows - Tuesday, May 12 2020 - 5:17 AM

Yeah! Another element to trust in this game:

I predict, this suitcases can't be opened while trading, so the teams won't know, how many apples/oranges are in the cases to exchange.

They must trust the other team, that there are the number of fruit(chips) in there they claim to be.

And if they are cheated, this may change everything....

21997: 5 - Tuesday, May 12 2020 - 8:22 AM

Can one person holding several briefcases enter ?

21999: -skimmer- - Tuesday, May 12 2020 - 10:26 AM

what if the briefcases are limited? Get all 3 briefcases from one side and that side suddenly cant trade.

22000: UnknownID - Tuesday, May 12 2020 - 10:31 AM

Oh no! All TVs have only one program and it's the same for all! /)°o°(\

22001: Guest - Tuesday, May 12 2020 - 2:08 PM

So how long until they find out that the floor of the [s]toilets[/s] trade room has that special chequered pattern?

22007: Brilliand - Wednesday, May 13 2020 - 11:23 AM

@skimmer I imagine the hosts will enforce a "one briefcase for one briefcase" trade requirement.

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