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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Sunday, January 30 2022 - 2:29 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Find the green egg.

Not that one.

29833: UnknownID - Sunday, January 30 2022 - 5:37 AM

What a throughback. This reminds me of the egg festival of the old harvest moon game...

How difficult can it be to find a green egg... in a gigantic cave? ... o.o

29841: someone - Sunday, January 30 2022 - 6:03 AM

Okay, so blue team gets a red egg and must find the green egg. So I suppose there's a red team that gets the green egg and must find the blue egg, and a green team that gets the blue egg and must find the red egg.

29854: Strannik - Sunday, January 30 2022 - 9:44 AM

@Unknown : i would say it depends on the size of the mother that laid her eggs there.

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