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Wednesday, December 21 2022 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood



34906: Potatopeelerkind - Wednesday, December 21 2022 - 1:29 AM

Wow, Malhart really managed to fuck this up in the most impressive way possible.

He's a nice dude and saving the magic kids was really honourable of him and all, but the devastation here that wiped out most of the city is absolutely on him.

34907: someone - Wednesday, December 21 2022 - 1:48 AM

Meanwhile, Noah:

34908: Otter Claw - Wednesday, December 21 2022 - 2:18 AM

Hijack his paint? Now that is truly fascinating, and horrifying, but it ALSO makes some sense of why this power has managed to spread out so far. Makes me wonder if this is the efforts of a particularly powerful nightmare, or something else that aloud this.

34909: noname - Wednesday, December 21 2022 - 3:16 AM

Oh... Oh dear... Okay, yeah, well, I did not foresee that reveal. But, yeah, that's a rather bothersome plot development: the power that was used to keep Haven safe only did so for as long as Malhart was there to keep Chernyl's powers at bay. Without him there to keep suffusing the paint with his own magic, it's free real estate for Chernyl to inadvertently suffuse with her own magic...

34911: Feddlefew - Wednesday, December 21 2022 - 5:26 AM

Called it!

So, Hallowman can highjack magic? Or just Malhartsā€™ paint?

34913: Zed - Wednesday, December 21 2022 - 6:24 AM

That explains why the eyes spread so dramatically quick, and why this is so much worse than initial reports of when she was "operating".

34914: Tom - Wednesday, December 21 2022 - 8:21 AM

So the protective paint became a conductor for the nightmare?


34915: TaranAlvein - Wednesday, December 21 2022 - 9:07 AM

This seems to imply that, rather than Chernyl's powers being so great that they encompass the whole city, her nightmares cheated a little and corrupted their own deterrence into a method of propagation. Once everything's under control, it may be safer to get rid of all of that paint, even if it does keep her nightmares in check, and just move her out to the middle of nowhere.

What this girl really needs is some therapy.

34916: Woodledude - Wednesday, December 21 2022 - 9:12 AM

Ah, yes. A thing with utterly zero implications. It's not like this could potentially be of great interest to the Empire as a means to further weaponize Chernyl's power.

34917: Saiko - Wednesday, December 21 2022 - 1:25 PM

If true, then Chernyl's not that useful as a weapon of mass destruction... The Empire should red mushroom the city and be done with.

34918: Stinger - Thursday, December 22 2022 - 5:21 AM


The opposite actually. Chernyls power now has a toggleable destruction setting. Just inunadate the area with as much magic as you want and you've now got a red mushroom bomb that can discriminate based on which neighbourhood to the street you want to kill.

34922: Saiko - Thursday, December 22 2022 - 12:43 PM


As I understand they need the Malhart's paint, which they cannot control, to increase the "yield" of Chernyl's power. That's why I think that she cannot be used on the scale of Haven in a different place. Unless they are able to replicate Malhart's power somehow.

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