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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Tuesday, October 18 2011 - 8:40 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Burk vs Sheep


Here's a little comic to draw your attention to the news page.

2980: Incuro - Tuesday, October 18 2011 - 7:31 PM

The sheep obviously does not know the awsomness that is BURK!

2982: meta - Tuesday, October 18 2011 - 8:19 PM

that really looks like burk's wang coming out of his pants

2985: Bisected - Wednesday, October 19 2011 - 2:24 AM

Sheep admire Burke...

2986: AI - Wednesday, October 19 2011 - 5:40 AM

You closed your <b> tag incorrectly, it's leaking into the comments.

Let's see if I can fix that: </b></b>

2988: Tom - Wednesday, October 19 2011 - 7:24 AM

The first panels dialogue screams "neorice humor". This is a good thing.

I guess its a good and simple start for the new comic.

2990: giovanni - Wednesday, October 19 2011 - 7:34 AM

and its a re-start!

2991: Kopaka - Thursday, October 20 2011 - 4:37 AM

Is is hilarious because it is Burk. And it is oh so Burk.

...incidentally, tyranny has two 'N's...

2992: Kiith - Thursday, October 20 2011 - 7:58 PM

I for one welcome our new 'Tyranical' Overlord(s) of NeoRice.

3002: steven - Wednesday, October 26 2011 - 12:32 PM

Like / +1 this comic =P

Figure out what you want to do you have the talent but it must be on your terms to let it flow.

3027: Altrez - Sunday, November 20 2011 - 8:45 AM

Burk is definitely my favourite.

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